Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Xbox 360 Controller Shell

More and more, people are treating their entertainment tech as an extension of themselves, which naturally means that everyone wants their devices to reflect their personality and make a statement about who they are. Gamers are certainly no different in this regard and there is a brisk business in custom skins and shells for the current generation of video game consoles and controllers.

The Xbox 360 console is one of the most popular video game platforms and there is a wide array of accessories available. Xbox 360 controller shells are increasingly popular as they are easy to install and come in a range of colours such as blue, red, and green, with a number of finishes from shiny metallic chrome to translucent clear plastic. Some gamers will mix and match the colours on various parts of the controller for a two-tone look. The new Xbox 360 controller shells are especially popular with the more advanced modders who like to swap out different colour LED lights and install extra buttons for additional functions.

Even casual gamers may find themselves in the market for a new Xbox 360 controller shell if they chip or damage their original controller casing, want to distinguish their personal controller from others in the household, or just get bored with the plain old standard edition. Reviving that old controller with a new shell is a budget-friendly option as well, as it's only a fraction of the cost of buying a whole new controller. Most Xbox 360 controller shells being sold today feature high quality ABS plastic and heavy-duty paint finishes for excellent long term durability.

Installation is quite simple and the only tool necessary is the specialized Torx T8 screwdriver, which is required in order to remove the screws that hold the Xbox 360 controller shell together. Once the screws are removed, the buttons and other components can be quickly swapped out into the new custom colour Xbox 360 controller shell. Replace all of the screws and the newly modified controller is complete!

Many gamers are adopting the latest generation of rapid fire mods for their controllers. Since they have to open up their Xbox 360 controller shell anyway to install the mod, it stands to reason that it's a good time to swap out the shell for something a little more exciting. A flashy new shell will compliment the turbo charged firing speeds that they can achieve with a rapid fire mod.

Some shells even allow gamers to make their controller homage to their favourite game (much like the old Halo controllers for the original Xbox). Call of Duty fans can find Xbox 360 controller shells in multiple patterns and colours of camouflage print. Also available are Xbox 360 controller shells with a Gears of War motif, or more generalized Ninja, Zombie, or Skull designs.

If current trends continue, there will come a time when those who play their game console on a standard, out-of-the-box controller will be in the minority. As the options for personalizing become ever greater and the installation process increasingly simple, soon there will be no excuse for not owning an Xbox 360 controller shell that tells the world who you really are.


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