Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

Book Questions & Answers

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Have you read the book The Illiad?
If so, how do you think Hektor represents heroism? Hektor is the classic hero because he is completely selfless. He risks his life for the pious of his country and protects his brother Paris. He doesn't back down even when he is up against Achilles. He also has heroic strength, but i think Hektor's qualities is...

Have you read the book call Think and Grow Rich?
If you have not, it is a book that was published in 1937 and the guy describes the tools that a personage needs to use the Law Of Attraction to their own benefit, this book has guided people to become millionaires - seriously. If you haven't read it or if you do...

Have you read the book Holes?
Well just a couple a hours ago i picked up a book called HOLES and i wanted to know where on earth the setting is, like the state it is in.THanks Go to Wikipedia. I absolutely love the book Holes, and I think Holes is one of the one and only book my dad likes...

Have you read the book of Mice and Men?!?!?
In chapter 5...Why is Lennie so upset?What are the men doing outside while Lennie and Curley's wife are in the barn?Why does George want to go into the bunkhouse before the others cram Curley's wife is dead?Why did Slim suggest that Curley stay with his wife? Why didn't he?Please answer as many as you...

Have you read the book prep by Curtis S.?
Well im reading the book and i just started reading her sophomore year. For my class I have to find a map and label places and eventsplus!! i enjoy to find 3 maps! Can someone please help me find at least 1 map cuz i found 2 but I simply like 1 of them.

Have you read the book The Graveyard book?
Its by Neil Gaiman, and I'm a huge fan of his Coraline. I was excited to buy the new new-fangled,and got it on Halloween last year. So I read it, and I thought it sucked.It sucked for two reasons: 1. It be dumb that that Jack guy wanted to kill...

Have you read the book Three Cups Of Tea?
This book is about one man, Greg Mortenson, who ventured into rural Pakistan to build a school for a tiny settlement called Korphe. He eventually built hundreds of schools and helped tutor over 24,000 impoverished Pakistani and Afghani children.its an incredible book about one man's odessey to promote peace... one school at a timeto...

Have you read the book 'Wings' by Aprilynne Pike?
Do you think Miley Cyrus would be good as Laurel?I don't think so Yes. Im sorry miley would be great! I like her on the account of my 5yr old :) No. first- ew, second- Miley is not a good actress,third- ew, again. Source(s): Me. Sorry, I loathe miley cyrus. WHAT??!?!They're making a...

Have you read 'The Female Eunuch' which, after my Mum read it, I be born ? My Mum said my Dad didn't know what hit him. I read it at the impressionable age of 27 , and it changed the way I thought about womanhood , and what it's resembling to be born female in a male dominated world, forever. Only a completely few...

Have you read the play A Doll's House ?
What is the dramatic irony in these lines ?1. Nora: Escape! A way out?... Dr.Rank ! Anything but that!2. Rank: Give me the chance to do doesn`t matter what is humanly possible for you.Nora: Now theres nothing you can do for me. Besides , actually , I Don't need any oblige.3.Helmer ... An...

Have you read THE_SECRET by James A. Ray (Sedona, AZ)? Weekend sweat lodge tragedy? 10 points?
Can you supply any details about this New Age book and author and movement in Arizona? Were his followers crowded too closely (2 dead and masses injured) into the sweat lodge?Thanks for your objective and informative posting -- 10 points for best anal ysis and overview of...

Have you read this book? what do you devise?
dru anderson, strange angels .?? no i've never read it. hell i've never even heard of it, lol. but it does sound like a interesting book. perchance i'll look for it and see for myself :) No, but it sounds like a pretty interesting book..strange angels?? sound fascinating.

Have you see my muse? ;-)?
We are not mused. She's so sloppy, I'll send her over after she does the laundry and sweeping the floor. yes, I'm using it right now but I'll agree to you know when I'm done using it. lol Yeah, I found her in a downtown bar the other night, crying into a gin and tonic...

Have you used Amazon Kindle ?
If so, how do you like that ? Good points and Bad points please. I have an itouch, and I bought kindle software to just put on my itouch (:pretty niffty I love it Read more in the region of the kindle here http://e Source(s): I own the Kindle 2,...

Have you written a story where on earth your characters are elder than you?
well i want to write a story but it's about kids who just graduate high school. i'm still a senior but i was wondering if any of you own written a story where your characters are older than you? Oh, defiantly. There are profoundly of things that an older...

Have you written and sold an ebook and if so what be your experiences?
Did you make any sales? If so how many, over what interval and at what price? What was it about and how did did you market it? In perception, would you have done anything differently? I never write an ebook , i used to buy PLR ebook and to...

Having a trade surrounded by writing? Is this a clad point to secure?
Well, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I want to go down the route of writing c areers, however I'm not quite sure what type of degree I should obtain. My plan is to possibly draw from a bachelors degree in english or journalism. Then use those degrees to pursue...

Having trouble beside writing a book?
So I've finished a really just basic version of my book and realize I need more to the story. I'm having trouble because my book right now is single 20,000 words (80pages). I understand that having a novella published is hard but I'm not sure if tallying more content to the plot will ruin the story. Any...

Having trouble trying to describe a few creatures for my story..?
It's complicated cause of copyright etc but I have a few names sorted for a few beast but there's two or more that I can't seem to name.Beast1: A large crow close to predator that can morphs into humans but their faces aren't what they were once before. (they run while the...

He who lives by the sword should shall die by the sword?
what does He who lives by the sword should shall die by the sword mean? It means that if you take a go, yours will be taken. The bible says it differently: As ye sow; so shall ye reapModern street lingo expresses it thus: What goes...

Heart of Darkness & Apocalypse Now? 10 pts for best!?
Can someone list the parallels for this book and movie?? The trip down the river.Colonel Kurtz's name.The descent into human temper when rules are gone.Seriously, you should read the book and watch the movie. They're both amazing. its a really nice movie. i suggest u both read and watch the movie. i think...

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad?
I am working on an essay for my english class and I do not really understand the book, Heart of Darkness.The prompt for the essay is: Write an essay in which one or more o the characters confront a mystery. Identify the mystery and expla in how the investigation illuminate the meaning of the work as a undamaged.I...

Heathcliffe; it's me, I'm Cathy I've come home very soon and I'm so cold, agree to me within at your pane. WHY?
I've read the book, I don't get why the window at the beginning? It's not similar to Cathy died lost on the moors or anything, so why does she do desperately want to come in the window as...

Heeeeeeelp?? book?
i just read the hunger games book and i am in LOVE!! i loved the book SOO much!! i need a book to read presently.. i love adventure books with a little romance lately lik the hunger games please dont suggest the clique series because that book is just full of icky stuff *and dumb romance so just suggest an...

Hello could u plz make a contribution me some recommendation of books to read ones similar to bloodbath brittany?
Some suggestions:*What Happened to Cass McBride? by Gail Gi les *Right Behind You by Gail Giles *Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher*Blue by Sue Mayfield

Hello I am wondering if here are any book for a pubescent to read that are not close to twilight and gross books?
Hello I would like to find out what kind of books there are that are close to Junie B Jones and that are funny,reality,comedy nothing like base on a true stories no gross ones either just something that is not...


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