Montag, 27. August 2012

Chris Pirillo, Guy Kawasaki und eine weitere Person haben auf Google+ etwas mit Ihnen geteilt

Hallo Markus!
Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die Top-Beiträge dieser Woche.
Google+ Team
Neueste Beiträge aus Ihren KreisenAlle aktuellen Beiträge ansehen
Here's the social traffic to for the past week.

Despite being #2, the YouTube visitor remains the highest-quality vistor (for time on site and pages viewed per session). Love us the fans!

Google+ is in last place again. That's not my problem. :)
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I love +Chris Pirillo's take on Followers vs. Fans.

Chris: "Fickle" describes a follower — not a fan. A fan is never fickle. Ever.

Fans love you despite falling on your face from time to time. Fans will come to your defense without asking. Fans may not always like what you say or do, but they always love you for doing it.

So (companies /cough/) would you rather have lots of followers or a few fans?
Followers Vs. Fans - LockerGnome
I'm so blessed to have such an amazing community, having been sharing my own thoughts and discoveries on the Internet since at least 1992 (though LockerGnome officially launched as a dedicated channel...
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Die beliebtesten Inhalte auf Google+Angesagte Beiträge ansehen
DOCTOR WHO - POND LIFE Episode 1 is Live

The first episode of the Series 7 Seven prequel series POND LIFE is live and available on YouTube world-wide.

This series focuses on Amy and Rory's life around the appearances of The Doctor.

Every day this week The BBC will release a new episode in this 5-part web series.

Check it out:

#doctorwho   #mattsmith   #karengillan   #arthurdarvill  
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Of all the flowers in the universe, you are the most beautiful to me.
So deal with it.

For those that care...this is Echeveria, a flowering succulent native to Mexico and South America but easy to grow in warm areas of the garden (or inside). I love them for their symmetry and the range of hues their rosette-shaped leaves come in. But the highlight for me is when they flower...long graceful stalks of magnificently colored flowers. 
...und 89 weitere Fotos
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