Samstag, 12. November 2011

Want To Try A New Airplane Simulation Game

Airplane simulation games

When i play airplane simulation games the game has to be realistic for me the more realistic the better. I have been playing flight simulators for a couple of years now and i really enjoy playing them so much in fact that i started looking for a new one to play because i was getting broad with the ones that i already have played. Well I started this search for a new flight simulation game about a month and a half ago.

I wanted to find one that was realistic and had good plane model, I did not really want to play a another flight simulator with bad model and looked really fake. Also i was looking for one that had wealth control, you would think that this would be a standard that every flight sim would have by now but you'd be wrong. Never the less i started looking, at first i thought that maybe my local games store would have something for me too play but i was wrong i didn't find anything that i thought sounds fun or realistic as far as airplane games go. Finding a simple airplane flight simulation games was looking more challenging then i thought. After this i gave up looking for a little while just didn't have the time but about a week later i decided to look again.

This time i started the search on the Web to see what i could find, at first all i found was the same old stuff that i have already tired or that just didn't look any fun to me. then i can across a flight sim called "pro flight simulator" at first i thought that the name sounded a little cheese, i didn't know if it was even wroth the try. After looking for about two hours i decided to give it a try i mean what did i have to lose plus it said that it had all the stuff in it that i wanted to try anyways.

well after i got the game and installed it i started to play and you know what i really did like the game after all. The wealth control allowed me to change the wealth as i wanted, i could add rain, wind or clouds to make the game a little more difficult. Plus there are so many planes to choose from even helicopters i have to say at first this game can be a little hard to play the controls are very realistic and everything you do makes a difference but in my opinion that one of the things that make the game soo fun. well i just wanted to share this fun new game with you guy this is where i found out about it if you want to check it out

hope you enjoyed my story and have as much fun with it as i have.


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