Samstag, 16. Mai 2020

Wir aktualisieren unsere Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzerklärung

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im Zuge unserer unermüdlichen Anstrengungen dein Spielerlebnis zu verbessern, aktualisieren wir unsere Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzerklärung , um den neuen Funktionen und der neuen Steuerung unserer Dienste Rechnung zu tragen, und haben die Dokumente zugleich kürzer und klarer gestaltet.

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Bitte lies die aktualisierten Nutzungsbedingungen und die aktualisierte Datenschutzerklärung und stimme ihnen bis zum 12. August 2020 , dem Tag ihres Inkrafttretens, zu.

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Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2020

Ads policy is not a problem for us 😉

Feel free to have a closer look at one of our latest cases and see how we promoted Cherry Casino, an online casino.

Cherry Casino Gambling Industry
Cherry Casino takes a disruptive approach to the gambling industry, keeping the best traditions and offering a unique leisure format.

Facts and Results
  • 4x increase in subscribers
  • 50+ posts on social media
  • 15 influencers and media outlets talking about the project
  • 3,000+ messages to the project

Our Role
  • Useful and viral content creation
  • Social media marketing
  • Number of gamblers growth
  • Facebook and Twitter advertising
  • Brand interest and awareness increase
  • Influencer marketing
The Ask
  • Attract a new relevant audience
  • Increase the engagement rate
  • Create interesting and engaging content
  • Attract new solvent players
Our Approach
  • Set up target advertising to increase brand awareness and attract new potential gamblers
  • Developed a detailed content plan for complex SMM promotion
  • Created more than 50 GIFs, videos, and static images
  • Attracted real solvent clients
Do you have any questions about how to implement an anti-crisis strategy for your business? Feel free to book a call -

Best regards,
Slava Kasperovich
Chief Executive Officer at NinjaPromo
Linkedin: Slava Kasperovich
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Dienstag, 12. Mai 2020

Read & Apply: Anti-Crisis Marketing for Online Casinos

We have recently crossed the threshold of 100 successfully implemented advertising campaigns for the gambling industry, so we decided to make a world call for gambling marketing as loudly as possible! We have also decided to share what we know with you.

The lion's share of online casinos' budgets is spent on affiliate marketing, but very few companies pay attention to working with their existing audiences. High-quality content on social media is a good way to warm up the people who have already been using your services or are thinking about making their first deposit. SMM will push them towards the desired decision.

Many business owners don't often consider that their current clients are not just a way out of the coronavirus crisis but the way to win this battle!

The Ninja Promo team has conducted several marketing research studies of the gambling industry to figure out how to
- Increase the average check per gambler
- Understand which posts bring the most engagement and inspire the audience to take new target actions
- Increase profits several times without attracting new clients
- Discover more and more awesome opportunities

Do you have any questions about how to implement an anti-crisis strategy for your business?  Feel free to book a call -

Best regards,
Slava Kasperovich
Chief Executive Officer at NinjaPromo
Linkedin: Slava Kasperovich
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